Thanks for the Memories

Thanks for the Memories

It is with heavy heart that I announce the departure of Todd Schwartz from Prywes Schwartz, PLLC. Todd resigned last week as my business partner and will pursue endeavors outside of law. I, of course, wish him well. He has been a good friend and a fine attorney. I am very grateful for the past year and a half we have spent building this practice from nothing. 

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Featured! The Law Practice Doctor Podcast Loves the Prywes Schwartz Business Model

Featured! The Law Practice Doctor Podcast Loves the Prywes Schwartz Business Model

We are proud to be the latest subject of "The Law Practice Doctor," a podcast devoted to maximizing the efficiency and minimizing the overhead of law practices properly designed for the 21st century, hosted by the inimitable Sam Gaylord, a talented trial attorney in New Jersey. The half hour interview with Prywes Schwartz, PLLC attorney Michael Prywes covers a whole spectrum of  topics; during this episode, Michael discusses starting a new firm, the benefit of co-working spaces, alternative billing, and avatar clients.

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Comparison: Our Law Firm for the Future vs. Their Firm from the Past (infographic)

We are serious in our mirth. We just don't like the fact that our friends and family have negative feelings towards the word, "lawyer." We know there are some people out there who want their lawyer to be a plumber, but that's not the type of lawyer we want to be. It is our mission to be ongoing mentors and resources to our clients, for the long haul.

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"Pay Per Page" is the New (in the) Black

"Pay Per Page" is the New (in the) Black has a new way of paying creative writers publishing under its “kindle unlimited” label: by the page. Starting yesterday, July 1, “[u]nder the new payment method, you'll be paid for each page individual customers read of your book, the first time they read it.” This is an unusual metric, but one our very own law firm adopted at its inception, because, “pay per page” is an excellent approach to simplifying the concept of valuable consideration.

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I Tech, Therefore I Am: The TI-994A, Enter Magazine, and Other Too-Forgotten Things

I Tech, Therefore I Am: The TI-994A, Enter Magazine, and Other Too-Forgotten Things

I was giddy. As a little boy, I had learned how to code on a Timex Sinclair we brought home from the library in 1980, and then learned actual programs on the Texas Instruments 994A. And here it was, 1983, and the TI was selling for $50, just in time for the holidays. Our family was going to get its very own computer!

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3 Client Cultivation Lessons from Last Night's "The Good Wife" Episode

3 Client Cultivation Lessons from Last Night's "The Good Wife" Episode

The Good Wife has consistently provided--week after week--high quality entertainment, let alone important business and legal lessons that make it stand apart from standard legal television fare. Its insights on the convergence between technology and law are surprising for a network drama, and its characters' complexities and moral failings are refreshing.

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